Festival of lights
This week the children have enjoyed watching videos of families celebrating Diwali. They loved the song 'Diwali' and they made Diya lamps from salt dough where we mixed water, flour and salt and talked about them being dry, wet and then changing to being sticky when they mixed together. They were intrigued to see how they went from being soft to being very hard so that they could paint them and add decorations to them. We also looked at different Rangoli patterns and had a go at creating patterns in the tuff spot which was filled with coloured rice. The children are getting more confident at mark making and made dots, lines and wavy lines as they created their own Mendhi designs and firework drawings. We looked at shapes and also made shapes using lolly sticks and used the words, straight lines, 3 sides for a triangle etc. The children also made some fantsastic models using the Mobilo; they made long ladders, tall towers and rockets.