Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Ms Eva Carroll  Ms Juliet Colt  Danielle.JPG  Miss Yasmin Hull

Miss Corrall - Clover Class
Mrs Colt - Heather Class
Miss Birch - Year 4 Teaching Assistant
Miss Hull - Year 4 Teaching Assistant

Summer 2 - 2024

Welcome back to the second half of our Summer Term. We hope that you have all had a good break and are ready for an exciting half term ahead. We have lots of engaging learning planned for the weeks to come and the children will be enthusiastic to begin our new geography based topic on the Americas. This half term, our topic question is:

          "Can we go on a great American road trip?”        


This half term, we will be setting off to explore the geography of the Americas. We will be learning about the difference between continents and countries, comparing both North and South America and showing how they differ from the UK. Children will have the opportunity to explore key geographical landscapes including the Grand Canyon and will be able to make links to work done last term on rivers and erosion. They will learn about states and cities, including a focus on the history of New York, as well as how the climate influences both human and physical features of the continent. English will begin with a focus on news reports and the opportunity to report on our trip to Hathersage and move on to appreciating and writing poetry as we complete the term. In maths we will be continuing with time and will then move on to considering statistics and geometry with a focus on position and direction. We will also be undertaking the Year 4 Multiplication Check during the first 2 weeks of term. Our science work will consider animals including humans, with a particular focus on the digestive system and food chains. 

Our class text this half term is:

 ‘Kidnap on the California Comet' by M.G. Leonard and Sam Sedgman

       California Comet

Over the half term, we will also be learning about:

o   Maths -  Time, Statistics and Geometry

o   Science - Nutrition and the Digestive System

o   Computing - Loops and Game Design

o   Geography – The Americas

o   DT – Nutrition

o   Spanish  - Shopping for Fruit, Vegetables and Clothes

o   PSHE  - SRE - Health and Wellbeing

o   PE - Rounders and Athletics 

o   RE – Belonging and Identity

o   Music – Learning to play Ukelele.

Key Dates

Please note the following dates for your diary:

Monday 3rd June - Return to school

Monday 3rd - Friday 14th June - Fieldwork Fortnight

Monday 3rd - Friday 14th June - Multiplication Check (date tbc)

Wednesday 12th - Friday 14th June - Hathersage Trip

Tuesday 18th June (am) - Year 3/4 Sports Day

Friday 12th July  – INSET Day

Mon 29th July - Fri 30th August – Summer Holidays

Monday 2nd Sept - INSET Day



Knowledge Organisers 
Below you can find our knowledge organisers for our subjects this half term. These can be used to quiz at home about topics or to revise key concepts.

 Americas KO


 Digestive system KO




PE & Outdoor Learning

In the Summer term, PE takes place on TUESDAYS (alternate weeks) and WEDNESDAYS. See below for details.

PE kits consist of PLAIN black shorts or jogging bottoms, PLAIN white t-shirt, and trainers. Please pack an extra warm top for outdoor PE lessons. 



W/C 3rd Jun       

W/C 10th Jun​     

W/C 17th Jun​       

W/C 24th Jun   ​   

W/C 1st Jul       

W/C 8th Jul           W/C 15th Jul          W/C 22nd Jul        


Tues – PE​

Wed – PE ​

Tues – OL

Wed – PE/



Wed – PE​

Tues – PE ​

Wed – PE​

Tues – OL

Wed – PE​

Tues – PE ​

Wed – PE​

Tues – OL​

Wed – PE​

Tues – PE​

Wed – PE​


Tues – OL

Wed – PE​

Tues – PE​

Wed – PE/



Wed - PE​

Tues – OL

Wed - PE​

Tues – PE​

Wed - PE​

Tues – OL​

Wed - PE​

Tues – PE

Wed – PE​

Tues – OL

Wed – PE​

Outdoor Learning is on alternate Tuesdays. 

 Outdoor Learning kits consist of:
  • Warm clothing
  • Black jogging bottoms or leggings
  • John Clifford jumper, cardigan or warm plain jumper
  • Waterproof coat, trousers or all in one
  • Extra layers
  • Warm socks
  • Hat, scarf, gloves
  • Wellies or old trainers (brought to school in a named bag and preferably to be left at school)


All the kit should be clearly named and in a bag which can be hung on your child’s peg. Children have the opportunity to build dens, explore the mud kitchen, look after our animals and can get messy. Please send in clothes that you do not mind getting messy or wet.

Homework in Year 4
Each week, we ask that all children read with somebody at home at least three times a week. This could be any adult or an older sibling or friend. Please sign their diary and add a comment. Every little bit of reading really does help children on the learning journey.
We also ask that the children practise their weekly spellings which can be found inside the Communication Diary. We conduct a spelling quiz each week as part of a dictation lesson, and these words form part of our English teaching for the week. 
Times tables:
A vital aspect of Maths is that the children have a secure recall of times tables so we ask that they spend some time each week on TT Rockstars practising these. Log in details can be found in your child's Communication Diary. PLEASE note the Year 4 Multiplication Check will also be happening in the first two weeks of term. 

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Find us: Nether Street, Beeston, NG9 2AT

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John Clifford Primary School is a member of
The White Hills Park Trust.
