Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

  Miss Asha Padhiar  Ms Juliet Colt  Mrs Mel Davis  

Miss Padhiar - Clover Class
Mrs Colt - Heather Class
Miss Helme - Year 4 Teaching Assistant


Spring 2 - 2025

We welcome you back following an exciting, fun-filled first half of Spring term. Please see below for some shape poems Year 4 have written and a news report, created by Clover class and edited Mr. Elstone, as part of our Volcanoes and Earthquakes topic.

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We hope that you have all had a good week off and are ready for an exciting second half of Spring Term. We have lots of engaging learning planned for the weeks to come and are sure that the children will be just as excited as we are to start our new topic on Anglo-Saxons in Britain. This half term, our topic question is:

          "What effect did the Anglo-Saxons in Britain have?"        

Anglo Saxon artefacts


We will be thinking like historians as we learn about who the Anglo-Saxons were and where they came from. We will learn about life as an Anglo Saxon and their beliefs, as well as thinking about how Anglo-Saxon life has impacted us today. 
In English, children will be writing a character description based on a monster, followed by a set of instructions on how to defeat a monster. Maths will continue to focus of fractions, followed by decimals. We will continue to work on consolidating our knowledge of times tables in preparation for the end of year multiplication check.
Our science work will focus on Living Things and Their Habitats. We will work scientifically to group living things, create keys to classify living things, think about changes in the environment which effect living things, as well as carrying out some field work.

Our class texts this half term are:

 ‘Beowulf' by Michael Morpurgo and 'Anglo-Saxon Boy' by Tony Bradman.

                                               Beowulf                                                               AngloSaxonBoyTonyBradman 550

To introduce the Spring term, we will be learning about:

  • Maths - Fraction, Decimals and continued Multiplication practice.
  • Science - Living Things and Their Habitats
  • Computing - Data Logging
  • History - Anglo-Saxons in Britain
  • Art - Exploring Still Life (artefacts)
  • Spanish  - My Town
  • PSHE  - Living in the Wider World
  • PE - Netball and Gymnastics
  • RE - Why Easter is important to Christians
  • Music - Fanfare for the Common Man

Key Dates

Please note the following dates for your diary:

Monday 24th February - Return to School

Thursday 6th March - Word Book Day

Monday 10th - Friday 14th March - Science Week

Friday 28th March - Easter Bonnet Parade and Easter Egg Hunt

Friday 21st March - Red Nose Day

Monday 7th - Monday 21st April- Easter Holiday

Tuesday 22nd April - Return to School




Knowledge Organisers 
Below you can find our knowledge organisers for our subjects this half term. These can be used to quiz at home about topics or to revise key concepts.
Anglo Saxons Yr4 Ko
Living things Spr2 KO
RE Easter Y4 Spr2 KO
PE & Outdoor Learning

In the Spring term, PE takes place on TUESDAYS (alternate weeks) and WEDNESDAYS (every week). Outdoor Learning takes place on TUESDAYS (alternate weeks). See below for details.

PE kits consist of PLAIN black shorts or jogging bottoms, PLAIN white t-shirt, and trainers. Please pack an extra warm top for outdoor PE lessons. 

W/C: 24.02.25 03.03.25 10.03.25 17.03.25 24.03.25 31.03.25
Clover Tues - PE Tues - OL Tues - PE Tues - OL Tues - PE Tues - OL
  Weds - PE Weds - PE Weds - PE Weds - PE Weds - PE Weds - PE
Heather Tues - OL Tues - PE Tues - OL Tues - PE Tues - OL Tues - PE
  Weds - PE Weds - PE Weds - PE Weds - PE Weds - PE Weds - PE

Outdoor Learning is on alternate Tuesdays. 

 Outdoor Learning kits consist of:
  • Warm clothing
  • Black jogging bottoms or leggings
  • John Clifford jumper, cardigan or warm plain jumper
  • Waterproof coat, trousers or all in one
  • Extra layers
  • Warm socks
  • Hat, scarf, gloves
  • Wellies or old trainers (brought to school in a named bag)

Please ensure that all kit is clearly named and in a bag which can be hung on your child’s peg on the day. Please could we ask that outdoor learning kits are not left in school. Children have the opportunity to build dens, explore the mud kitchen, look after our animals and can get messy. Please send in clothes that you do not mind getting messy or wet.

Homework in Year 4
Homework Books:
Continuing from last term, each week we will ask the children to complete one section from each homework book (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling homework book and Maths homework book) as practise for the work we are doing in class. Homework is due in on Wednesday for marking and new homework will be assigned on Friday, due back the following Wednesday. We would ask for your support with this new initiative. Please do get in touch if you have any questions. 
Each week, we ask that all children read with somebody at home at least three times a week. This could be any adult or an older sibling or friend. Please sign their diary and add a comment. Children should bring in their diaries every day. Every little bit of reading really does help children with their learning and enjoyment.
We also ask that children practise their weekly spellings which can be found inside the Communication Diary. We conduct a spelling quiz each week as part of a dictation lesson and children are encouraged to use the words in their writing each week. 
Times Tables:
A vital aspect of Maths is that the children have a secure recall of times tables up to 12x12, so we ask that they spend some time each week on TT Rockstars practising these. Log in details can be found in your child's Communication Diary. PLEASE note the Year 4 Multiplication Check takes place in the Summer Term. 

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