The Local Governing Body (LGB) at John Clifford is a group of dedicated volunteers who are either parents, members of staff, or members of our local community. Some have backgrounds in education, some in business, others work in the public or voluntary sector. We are organised into two sub committees:
- Finance, General Purposes and Personnel
- Strategic Development
There are three core responsibilities of a governor. They are:
1. Setting the strategic direction
Set school aims and objectives
Support school improvement
Set policies
Formulate targets and plans
Review the strategic framework
2. Creating robust accountability
Support and challenge SLT
Hold the HT to and children enjoy coming to school account to secure best outcomes for children
Challenge and question performance data
3. Ensuring financial probity
Set financial priorities
Financially support the SIP
Financially drive curriculum development and choices for all children
The Governors are committed to making John Clifford a school that children, staff and parents can all be proud of. We are keen to hear any suggestions you have, or any issues you would like to raise. You can do this by either leaving a message with the School Office, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by contacting the Chair of Governors directly, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We hope you will find the information about us useful and if you are keen to join us or find out more about what we do then please get in touch.
Best wishes,
Katherine Calder
Chair of Governors
Become a School Governor
If you are interested in becoming a school governor please see below documents for more information and application form.
Meet the Local Governing Body
Katherine Calder Type of Governor: Co-opted |
I joined the John Clifford Board of Governors as a Co-opted Governor at the end of 2022 and bring with me my background in finance. I have been appointed as the Chair on the FGPP committee and as part of the Head Teacher Appraisal committee. I have 1 child at the school and became a governor because I wanted to be able to give something back to the school which has had such a positive impact on both my children. I’m excited to be one of JC’s governors and play a small part in helping them to be the best school they can be. |
Janine Waring Type of Governor: Headteacher |
Being a governor is a privilege and working with the Local Governing Body is very rewarding. The LGB that we have is an experienced team of dedicated people who bring so much to their role. I am lucky to have such support and challenge in the Governing Body. |
Carol Bamford Type of Governor: Staff Governor |
I have worked at John Clifford for 14 years and I am one of the KS1 team. I have been teaching for 40 years working in many different schools in Nottingham (and New Zealand) I became a governor as I think it is important that the staff have a voice on the Governors and I am interested in helping to shape the future of the school. I feel the school has very good links with the community and I am happy to continue to work to further develop these. |
Chris Holland Type of Governor: Co-opted |
I joined the John Clifford board of Governors as Parent Governor in April 2019 where I sit on the FGPP committee and am link governor for Health & Safety. I've lived in Beeston for 15 years and my son attended John Clifford School. I'm very proud of the school and was delighted to be able to get involved with the governors and play a small role in helping JC get even better. |
Anna Worsching Type of Governor: Parent Governor |
I joined the John Clifford board of governors as a parent governor in November 2019. I sit with the SDC committee and am link governor for SEND. I have lived in Beeston for 15 years and my son is in Year 4. We feel very lucky that our son attends such an engaging and exciting school. I hope that I will be able to support the school and ensure that it continues to be an inclusive and inspiring place to learn. |
Rebecca Bitsios-Esposito Type of Governor: Parent Governor |
I joined the governing body in November 2019 as a parent governor, having been really impressed with the school's ethos and passion for providing a dynamic and holistic education that met the needs of all the children. I sit on the SDC committee and have particular responsibilities for safeguarding and Head Teacher Appraisal. I currently have three children at the school in Foundation, Year two and Year five. |
Yasmine Lamoudi Type of Governor: Parent Governor |
Liz Marder Type of Governor: Co-opted |
I have always spent a lot of time in schools - in my professional life as a paediatrician, as a parent and previously as governor of a special school. I wanted to becomea school governor so I coulduse my experience to contribute locally in Beeston where I have lived for almost 30 years. JCS is such an inclusive and diverse school and so much part of the community ,that it feels likejust the right place for me to be involved. |
Catherine McGrath Type of Governor: Co-opted |
Helen Watkin Type of Governor: Co-opted |
Governor Weeks - Spring Term
This term, as a Local Governing Body, we have been challenging the following aspects of school:
- Curriculum
- Safeguarding
- More able children
We have met with school leaders and talked about each aspect in depth. We have observed teaching, scrutinized books, considered planning and analysed data. We have also looked at school based plans, health care plans and provision for SEN children and personal care. It has been a very busy time but a very rewarding one. We have managed to support school development by asking questions of what we have seen and feedback to staff. Reports have been written and these have contributed to our current understanding of school improvement. Well done everyone and thank you for your time.
Contacting the Local Governing Body
The Local Governing Body can be contacted in writing or by email:
Katherine Calder
Chair of the Local Governing Body
c/o John Clifford School
Nether Street
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The White Hills Park Trust
John Clifford School is a member of The White Hills Park Trust.
More information about Trust governance can be found on its website.