Welcome to Year 3
Miss Daniel- Snowdrop Class (Weds PM - Fri)
Mrs Julian - Snowdrop Class (Mon-Weds AM)
Miss Leverington - Violet Class
Welcome to our Year Three information page. Over the year, we will update this page with important information, examples of work and learning that you can do at home to support your child's progress.
A Very Warm Welcome to Year 3
Welcome back to Spring 1
Our topic question is: 'How significant was the discovery of Tutankhamuns tomb?'
This half term, we will be learning about the 'Ancient Egyptians', we learn about all of the significant inventions made during this time, we will explore the discovery of King Tut's untouched tomb and why it was so important. We will create Egyptian collages and Egyptian magazines in Computing.
We will read the story of the Egyptian Cinderella and about the mummification process.
Please look below to see what we will be doing in our other subjects.
READING: Egyptian Cinderella by Shirley Climo and mummification texts
MATHS: Multiplication, Division and Fractions
SCIENCE: Fossils and Soils
ART: Collage
COMPUTING: Desktop Publishing
SPANISH: People around me
PSHE: Health and Wellbeing 1
RE: Christianity
PE: Gymnastics and Netball
Knowledge organisers for this half term
PE and Outdoor Learning
In the summer term, PE takes place on a Tuesday afternoons and Alternate Wednesday mornings. PE kits consist of PLAIN black shorts or jogging bottoms, PLAIN white t-shirt, and trainers.
This year, children will need to come to school in their school uniform and bring their PE kit to get changed into. Children will also need to bring their Outdoor Learning kit to get changed into with wellies in a separate bag.
This is the schedule for this Spring 1 term:
Homework in Year 3
Each week, we ask that all children read with somebody at home at least three times a week. This could be any adult or an older sibling or friend. Please sign their diary and add a comment. Every little bit of reading really does help children on the learning journey. We also ask that the children practise their weekly spellings which can be found below. We conduct a spelling quiz each week as part of a dictation lesson, and these words form part of our English teaching for the week. A vital aspect of Maths is that the children have a secure recall of times tables so we ask that they spend some time each week on TT Rockstars practising these.
Also, in the Spring Term we will be introducing the use of Homework books below. The homework will be set on a Friday and will need to be returned by Wednesday.