A Warm Welcome to John Clifford School
Thank you for choosing John Clifford School for your child.
At John Clifford School, we strive to 'be our best' in all that we do, positively contributing to our lives and those of others. We are a strong and passionate staff team with many unique strengths and interests which we bring into our environment to enhance the experiences of our learners. We work closely with our families, recognising the partnership that we must share for the success of our children. We proudly celebrate the union of our school, our families and our community through our curriculum and school events. The dedication of the whole team and the commitment they have to each and every child enables us to live out our philosophy that 'together we will be successful.'
Please have a look at the information attached below. We hope that you find the information useful, and it helps your child to settle into their new routine.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Free School Meals / Milk
More information about Free School Meals is available on our School Dinners page. We encourage anyone who is eligible to make an application for Free School Meals to support your child as much as possible. Funding is also avaialble to support your child with teaching and learning whilst at John Clifford and it is important that parents who believe they are eligible for benefits-related Free School Meals and the Pupil Premium also register for this, as this allows us to use the Pupil Premium to provide additional equipment, support and activities for pupils.
All infant aged children (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes) will receive their midday school meal free of charge under the government's Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) scheme. The UIFSM is different funding from that of benefits-related free school meals. However, it is important that parents who believe they are eligible for benefits-related Free School Meals and the Pupil Premium also register for this.
CoolMilk (Nursery to Year 2)
See the CoolMilk website if you would like your child to receive milk. Apply for CoolMilk