The Wildflower Garden

Adventures around school

Weekending 30th September 2022

We had a busy week talking about our school and some of the people that are important to us at school.  We looked at the school website and some of the people in the office, Tracey in the kitchen, as well as other teachers we see each day. We also had a walk around the school and visited the office. The children were excited to see photos of themselves on the website and they talked about who they saw and what they were doing.  They were amazed to find tomatoes growing as well as a huge pumpkin. They also picked grass to feed the guinea pigs.

We also talked about firefighters and how they help us and they loved listening to and learnign the song 'Five Little Firemen'.  We remembered how we had to go outside and line up quietly during our fire drill. They loved playing on the small world fire engine and house tuff spot. I could hear them telling little stories about how they could help the people and save them. We also had lots of children enjoying being doctors and nurses taking care of each other and the babies.

There was lots of activity in the creative area; we made playdough and mixed colours – this week we focused on how to make orange. The children painted one hand yellow and the other red and then rubbed them together to see what colour they made. Some said that it was like magic. Later, they enjoyed mixing the colours  themesleves  to make red, yellow and orange pictures.  We also loved listening to the story, Mousepaint where the mice mixed other colours to make new colours.

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John Clifford Primary School is a member of
The White Hills Park Trust.
