Year 5

A Very Warm Welcome to Year 5

     Dan Gooch     Chloe_Joynes.jpg     Danielle Birch     Mel Davis     Graham Elstone 24     Maddie Estradas                   

Mr Gooch - Buddleia Teacher     

Miss Joynes- Allium Teacher 

Miss Birch - Year 5 Teaching Assistant           

Mrs Davis - Year 5 Teaching Assistant

Mr Elstone - Year 5 Teaching Assistant                

Miss Estradas - Year 5 Teaching Assistant          


Welcome to the final half term from all of the year 5 team. We are excited to jump into teaching and learning with our amazing History and English led topic.

‘Why is William Shakespeare still important today?’


This half term the children will be learning all about Shakespeare, Tudors and Elizabethan’s, focusing on how monarchs have changed over time.

Our key text this half term is A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare. Children will be using the text to turn a playscript into a story. Additionally, children will be writing an explanation text about the Tudors and Elizabethans.


About the text:

The course of true love never did run smooth... A magical retelling of Hermia, Helen, Demetrius and Lysander's classic story - and of the impish fairy Puck, who meddles in their tangled web of love with hilarious consequences... With notes on Shakespeare and the Globe Theatre, and Love and Magic in A Midsummer Night's Dream.


Over the half term, we will also be learning:

  • MATHS – Geometry – shape and position and direction
  • ENGLISH - Playscripts to narratives, poetry and explanation texts
  • SCIENCE – Animals, including humans
  • COMPUTING – Microbit programming
  • HISTORY– How has monarchy changed throughout British History
  • RE – What are the different faiths in our community? 
  • ART – Sculpture: Set design
  • PSHE – Relationships 2
  • PE – Cricket and athletics
  • MFL – Eating out 2

We will continue to ask the children to read three times a week at home and to practise their spelling weekly. These will be given each Friday and tested the following Thursday. 


Spelling overview


Key dates for Summer 2


PE and Outdoor Learning

In the Spring term, PE takes place on a Monday and also PE/Outdoor learning take place on alternate Wednesday Mornings. PE kits consist of PLAIN black shorts or jogging bottoms, PLAIN white t-shirt, and trainers. 

Children will need to come to school in their school uniform and bring their PE kit to get changed into. Children will also need to bring their Outdoor Learning kit to get changed into with wellies in a separate bag.

Please see the timetable for this half term below:


Homework in Year 5

Each week, we ask that all children read with somebody at home at least three times a week. This could be any adult or an older sibling or friend. Please sign their diary and add a comment. Every little bit of reading really does help children on the learning journey. We also ask that the children practise their weekly spellings which can be found below. We conduct a spelling quiz each week as part of a dictation lesson, and these words form part of our English teaching for the week. A vital aspect of Maths is that the children have a secure recall of times tables, so we ask that they spend some time each week on TT Rockstars practising these.

To support with children’s learning, school has purchased a set of CGP revision books for each child.  Tasks from these will be set as homework each week. Homework will be sent home on FRIDAYS and must be returned by the following WEDNESDAY. 

The homework for this half term will be as follows (your child will also write this in their communication diary for each week):


Provisional Timetable for Summer term


Knowledge Organisers


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Find us: Nether Street, Beeston, NG9 2AT

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John Clifford Primary School is a member of
The White Hills Park Trust.
