A Very Warm Welcome to Year 5
Miss Corrall- Allium Teacher
Miss Howie- Buddleia Teacher
Miss Birch - Year 5 Teaching Assistant
Mrs Bailey- Year 5 Teaching Assistant
Miss Hull- Year 5 Teaching Assistant
Welcome to the start of the new term from all of the year 5 team. We are excited to jump into teaching and learning with our amazing history led topic.
‘Who were the Vikings?’
This half term the children will be learning all about the Vikings. Our key text this half term is ‘Riddle of the Runes’ by Janina Ramirez. Children will be using the story to write a narrative about defeating a monster. They will be focussing on character description. Additionally, children will be writing an instructional text later on in the half term.
Alva is a girl in a Viking world, but her father – before he went away – gave her the same freedoms as a boy. She is a natural detective, seeking out mysteries in the small village that is her home. Her inspiration is her uncle Magnus. Then some monks arrive, from a far-off place called Lindisfarne. They bring news of a code, of hidden treasure – and violence follows them. Alva, her uncle and her loyal wolf, Fenrir, must hurry to try and break the code, and find out what the link is to Alva’s missing father. However, there is a mysterious enemy in their midst…
Our reading morning is WEDNESDAY (no longer Friday) - please join us to enjoy reading with your child to start your day!
Over the half term, we will also be learning:
- MATHS – Decimals, fractions, data and timetables, area and perimeter
- ENGLISH- Instructions and narrative through character description.
- SCIENCE – Properties and changes of materials
- COMPUTING – Databases
- HISTORY– Vikings
- RE – Judaism
- ART/DT – Designing a Viking shelter.
- PSHE – Health and Wellbeing
- MUSIC – Sing up: Learning to sing ‘Madina tun Nabi’.
- PE – Netball and Gymnastics
- MFL – The way we look
We will continue to ask the children to read three times a week at home and to practise their spellings weekly. These will be given each Thursday and tested the following Thursday.
Spellings will be tested on THURSDAYS and children will then be given the next week's words.
Furthermore, a vital aspect of Maths is that the children have a secure recall of their times tables, so we ask that they spend some time each week on TT Rockstars practising these.
Homework in Year 5
Each week, we ask that all children read with somebody at home at least three times a week. This could be any adult or an older sibling or friend. Please sign their diary and add a comment. Every little bit of reading really does help children on their learning journey. Furthermore, we ask that the children practise their weekly spellings, which can be found below. We conduct a spelling quiz each week as part of a dictation lesson, and these words form part of our English teaching for the week. A vital aspect of Maths is that the children have a secure recall of times tables, so we ask that they spend some time each week on TT Rockstars practising these. We also have weekly homework that will be given on a Thursday and is to be due the following Wednesday. The children will be awarded with a level up each week, if this is completed on time for that week! The timetable is below.
Homework books timetable
Children have been given two homework books: Spelling and Grammar (SpaG) and Maths. These will begin to prepare them for SATS as well as the expectations in Secondary school. Below is a timetable showing the pages set for each week this half term. Homework is due on WEDNESDAY and books will be given back out on FRIDAYS.
Year 5 Spring 1 spelling lists
In the Spring term, PE takes place on a Monday and PE or Outdoor learning will take place on alternate Thursday afternoons. PE is paramount for children to be able to get the most out of their lessons. Kits consist of PLAIN black shorts or jogging bottoms, PLAIN white t-shirt, and trainers.
This year, children will need to come to school in their school uniform and bring their PE kit to get changed into. Children will also need to bring their Outdoor Learning kit to get changed into with wellies in a separate bag.
Please see the timetable for this half term below:
Knowledge Organisers