
At John Clifford School, we strive to 'be our best' in all that we do, positively contributing to our lives and those of others. We are a strong and passionate staff team with many unique strengths and interests which we bring into our environment to enhance the experiences of our learners. We work closely with our families, recognising the partnership that we must share for the success of our children. We proudly celebrate the union of our school, our families and our community through our curriculum and school events. The dedication of the whole team and the commitment they have to each and every child enables us to live out our philosophy that 'together we will be successful. 'I hope that this website provides you with the information that you seek. I also hope that it gives an insight into the success of our John Clifford family.

jw transparentJanine Waring

At John Clifford School, we promise to:

Read more about our Vision, Values and Promises here


Current Whole School Attendance: 91.6%
Target Whole School Attendance: 96%

Class Attendance - w/c: 27.01.25

Sweet Peas AM 83.8% Snowdrop 91.7%
Sweet Peas PM 86.7% Violet 89.1%
The Wildflower Garden 97.6% Heather 89.6%
Snapdragon 93.2% Clover 88.2%
Honeysuckle 92.9% Buddleia 86.5%
Lavender 96.4% Allium 84.3%
Rosemary 94.3% Lupin 92.4%
    Foxglove 95.4%


Contact Us

Tel: 0115 925 8057
Email: office@johnclifford.school
Find us: Nether Street, Beeston, NG9 2AT

Hive Points

Week Commencing: 27.01.25

orange purple yellow blue






JC Logo

Tel: 0115 925 8057 | Email: office@johnclifford.school
Find us: Nether Street, Beeston, NG9 2AT

WHP Small White

John Clifford Primary School is a member of
The White Hills Park Trust.
