PE and Sports Premium

pe premiumWhat is the PE and Sports Premium?

The Sports Premium is designed to increase the level of skills children have in all areas of sport, to increase their level of fitness and also their enjoyment of sporting activities.  The vision of the government is that: ‘ALL pupils leaving primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport’.

John Clifford School receives funding each year to improve provision for PE and sport within the school. This money is from the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport and has been ‘ring-fenced’ which means it can only be spent on sport provision and not on any other areas in the school. We can use this money to:

  • Employ specialist P.E. teachers/coaches to work alongside teachers when teaching P.E.
  • Provide new or additional sports clubs
  • Pay for professional development
  • Pay for cover to release teachers for development
  • Run sports competitions
  • Buy materials and resources for P.E./sport

Since the Sports Premium funding began, we have provided the children with a range of different sporting opportunities, enhanced the PE curriculum and trained our school staff to deliver high quality sports lessons.

It is important to emphasise that the focus of spending must lead to long lasting impact against the vision (above) that will live on well beyond the Primary PE and Sport Premium funding. The continuation of the Sports Premium funding will enable us to sustain the impact of high quality sports provision in the following areas:

  1. Teachers develop their subject knowledge in delivering sporting lessons through CPD training, allowing them to deliver a range of sports lessons across the full curriculum
  2. Teachers develop their subject knowledge through support from specialist coaches
  3. Teachers develop their expertise in games through the purchase of new equipment
  4. Children leave school being able to swim the required 25m, following a carefully planned programme of swimming lessons, currently delivered in Year 5.
  5. Children in Years 1-6 have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of sporting clubs
  6. Children have the opportunity to try new sports and sporting activities

School Games Mark Accreditation


The School Games Mark is a government led awards scheme administered by the Youth Sport Trust, which rewards schools for a commitment to the development of competition across schools and into the community. We are proud to be a 'Gold' school.

Evidence of the impact the funding is having in school

Please see the documents below evidencing the impact of the PE and Sports Premuim in school:

Physical Education in our curriculum

Please see our Physical Education curriculum page for more information on how we teach PE in school.

PE @ JC in 2024


Summer Term 2 July 2024

Highlight of the sporting calendar this year? The first ever all-girls football tournament organised by the South Broxtowe Sports Association in June! The SBSA had long been trying to initiate this event and this year it finally happened- with over 100 girls fro 10 schools taking part and JC coming 5th overall in the competition. This comes on top of having a brand new girls kit ordered and, of course, a number of victories in regular friendly fixtures! This came just three weeks after the SBSA had also organised the mixed football tournament, with even more participants taking to the field. Both huge successes and brought massive local participation in competitive sport.

We had our school sports days too, in the middle of June, 4 superb days in the sun enjoyed by all, and of course the most competitive races were the parents' races, naturally.

A huge thanks to everybody for making these happen, as well a huge debt of gratitude owed to our external coaches for all their dedication, skill and patience as they taught a huge range of sports throughout school- there are not many schools that offer such a range as handball, fencing, badminton, cricket and multi-skills on top of all the rest of the curriculum too. See you next year, coaches!

Summer Term 1 Sport at JC May 2024

Already this half term, we have had 3 new after school clubs starting, this time including fencing which makes a welcome return for the Year 6s. Also, we have Year 5s with the cricket club with Joe and Martin is developing his curriculum hours badminton with a (very competitive) after school session for the Year 3s.

Talking of competitive, there are still league football matches to come, but another super new addition to the JC sports' programme was a girls-only football squaed and team who, in their first ever game, managed an enthusiastic victory over a skilful Eskdale! We are hoping to create a girls-only tournament later this year too, to which all of our local schools are invited.

On top of all this, our netball team have had several games in May- including a visit to Trent College in Long Eaton and George Spencer Academy, taking part in coaching sessions as well as fun competition too. 

In June, we'll have our Sports days too.



Football and netball matches April 2024

Competitive football and netball matches return in Spring 2024, weather dependent! We have scheduled matches lined up against local schools such as Fairfield, Eskdale, The Lanes, Bisphamd Drive and many more to come. This will give many of our children a taste of external competition and we look forward to these immensely! Via our South Broxtowe Schools Association, we are looking to build extra opportunities too, which will hopefully include a girls football tournament this summer for the first time, as well as the traditional mixed football and netball tournament. 


Bikeability Y6 March 2024

Finally, we had a top up session for the remaining Y6s that hadn't/couldn't take part last year. This completes the entire range of children from Y4 to Y6 who have now had cycling proficiency training- and who are now safe on their bikes!

Bikeability Y4 March 2024

On the back of the success of Y5 Bikeability, we have secured extra training in March for our younger children in Year 4! They will undertake a morning's training on our school playground as part of the Level 1 certificate- the first time we have been able to extend this offer to the younger children, which is of course excellent news!

Bikeability Y5 February 2024

Recently, all our our Year 5 children had the chance to take part in cycling proficiency training as part of the Bikeability programme. Beginning on the playground with Level 1 Bikeability, they were all put through their paces on basic bike handling, turning and signalling,  with basic bike maintenance skills added too. Then, across the course of several sessions, most of these children then went out onto the roads of Beeston to complete their Level 2 training! Well done Year 5, you are safe and proficient cyclists now! 

After school sports clubs, Spring 1/2 2024

 After School Sports Clubs continue to be a popular feature of our offer at John Clifford School. Building on the success of the Autumn Term clubs, in the Spring Term we shall be hosting: Year 2 Cricket, Year 5 Badminton, Year 3 Gymnastics and Y4  Handball and Dodgeball. We thank our external and internal teachers for helping provide these opportunities!

External Sports Providers Autumn 1/2 2024

This term our external sports coaches will be working with the following year groups: Joe (Cricket) with Year 2, Josh (Year 3 Multi-skills and Gymnastics), Martin Foundation and Year 1, (Multi-skills and cricket). Using their expertise, not only do our children get top quality coaching, our staff also get extra CPD too!

Swimming Autumn 2/2 2023

At the very end of the Autumn Term, our Year 5 children completed their term of swimming instruction at Harvey Hadden Sports Centre. Under the expert guidance of the Nottingham Schools Swim instructors, a huge number of these children completed their training in style, completing 25 metres in not only front crawl but also other styles too, as well as all the children completing vital water safety modules too.



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John Clifford Primary School is a member of
The White Hills Park Trust.
