
School Uniform

We want our school uniform to be as cheap and accessible as possible. We keep good quality and used items in the outdoor shelter should you wish to take a look and help yourself. 

We believe that we have a very child friendly and practical uniform at John Clifford. No branded items are required. 

The following items are required:


  • White shirt or polo shirt
  • Royal blue jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Grey or black pinafore or skirt
  • Grey or black trousers or shorts (summer)
  • Blue and white checked or striped dresses (summer)
  • Sensible black shoes/sandals (summer) or PLAIN black trainers
  • Black, navy or grey tights

If you have any school uniform requirements, there are a few companies that we use to supply clothing and equipment:

TGR Embroidery
Unit 1, 1 Nottingham Road, Attenborough, NG9 6DN
Telephone: 07952 192899

Tesco - My Clothing

These will all be happy to help you with any requests that you may have!

 Most of the items we have included in our uniform can be sourced from the majority of supermarkets and clothing stores.

PE Kit 

pe kit

The following PE kit is required. All children will change into PE kit for hygiene and health and safety reasons. 

  • A pair of shorts, navy or black
  • A plain white t-shirt or t-shirt with or without the John Clifford logo on (optional)
  • Trainers 

 All the kit should be clearly named and in a bag which can be hung on your child’s peg.

We will send the kit home at half term for washing.

For safety reasons, children should not wear jewellery during PE, so please make sure that your child leaves all items of jewellery at home on days where there is physical activity.

Outdoor Learning Kit

The following OL kit is required:

  • Warm clothing
  • Black jogging bottoms or leggings
  • John Clifford jumper, cardigan or warm plain jumper
  • Waterproof coat, trousers or all in one
  • Extra layers
  • Warm socks
  • Hat, scarf, gloves
  • Wellies or old trainers (brought to school in a named bag and preferably to be left at school)

All the kit should be clearly named and in a bag which can be hung on your child’s peg. This should not be left at school as we do not have the storage space in school. 

Children have the opportunity to build dens, explore the mud kitchen, look after our animals and can get messy. Please send in clothes that you do not mind getting messy or wet.

For safety reasons children are not allowed to wear jewellery during Outdoor Learning, so please make sure that your child leaves all items of jewellery at home whenthese sessions are scheduled.

Many thanks for your support with this. 

Other Information

Please send your child to school with a coat every day. The British weather has a habit of changing and a bright, pleasant early morning doesn’t always mean a warm lunchtime or afternoon and the children do spend a considerable amount of time outside. It would be very helpful if you could make sure that the coat is fairly easy to do up and is named with a long loop attached inside so that it can hang up securely on the peg.

It is essential that your child has a bag to put in any letters, books or words to learn these in to keep them safe and dry. You may like to buy a book bag from the office. Alternatively, please send your child with a book bag every day and place this in the box in the classroom.

Please remember to put your child's name in all of their uniform to avoid it being lost or misplaced!

JC Logo

Tel: 0115 925 8057 | Email: office@johnclifford.school
Find us: Nether Street, Beeston, NG9 2AT

WHP Small White

John Clifford Primary School is a member of
The White Hills Park Trust.
