Keeping Parents Involved

At John Clifford School we are committed to a strong partnerships with parents and carers. Research shows that where parents are actively involved in school life their own children do better, so please don’t be shy! There are many opportunities for parents to play a role in our learning community.

Open Evenings
There are two main open evenings each year, in the autumn and spring terms, when parents are offered a private interview with the class teacher to discuss progress and set future targets. We encourage the children to attend these evenings so that they can take time to share their school books and folders with their parent(s). This is a lovely opportunity to celebrate achievement and to talk with your child about their work. Parents are always welcome in our school, throughout the year, and we encourage parents to come and talk to us if there are any concerns or issues.

In the summer term parents receive a written report. Also we hold an Open Afternoon when parents can share curriculum projects and work, enjoy entertainments and festivals.

From time to time we also hold family curriculum events to support understanding of new initiatives and curriculum issues, such as phonics and reading.

From time to time, we send home a newsletter to keep parents informed about important events and happenings in and around school. Our website is also updated regularly and features lots of information about our school and includes copies of recent letters home.

Parent Support
Parents are always welcome in school and help us in many ways, including;
- Swimming observers
- Helping on visits and residential trips
- Classroom activities, e.g. craft, cooking, hearing children read
- Making costumes
- Transport for clubs and activities
- Providing valuable resources e.g. paper, wood, fabric
- Offering expertise e.g. art, languages, sewing, sports coaching
- Gardening mornings

If you're intrested in helping us, please get in touch.

Adult Education
To encourage ‘Life Long Learning’ in the community we have strong links with Central College and Active Communities at the University of Nottingham. From time to time, courses are advertised for family activities such as literacy, PHSE and outdoor learning.

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Tel: 0115 925 8057 | Email:
Find us: Nether Street, Beeston, NG9 2AT

WHP Small White

John Clifford Primary School is a member of
The White Hills Park Trust.
