The Wildflower Garden

Weekending 7th October 2022

This week we have focussed on activities around ‘Black History Month’.  The children loved going to the Junior Hall to meet the Hibbert family who brought in lots of artefacts related to their Jamaican heritage.  They particularly enjoyed playing the steel drums and were fascinated by the sugar cane and how it was turned into sugar.  They showed us the Jamaican football shirts which inspired some of the children to talk to them about football and Forest. I was very proud of how confident they were to speak with our visitors.  We also listened to the story, ‘Coming to England’ by Floella Benjamin and how Trinidad looked different to England. This led us to talk about how Floella settled into her new school and how we should all be good friends to each other.  We also read the story, ‘Baby Goes to Market’ and talked about the fruit the children saw at the market.

Handa’s Surprise was also a favourite this week and we counted the fruit Handa had in her basket.  We did lots of sorting activities, continuing to name colours, as well as notice which objects were the same, matched or different.  Please keep using these words at home to help your child to understand their meaning.  We matched monsters to their coloured shoes and made towers with Duplo, wooden blocks and cubes and the children had a go at copying my tower e.g. red on top and yellow on the bottom and then tried to spot when the tower was different. We played animal dominoes and it was great to see the children have a go at matching the animals and their friends helping them when it didn’t match.




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John Clifford Primary School is a member of
The White Hills Park Trust.
