Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

Alex Crook     Ruth Kyle     Donna     Sarah Bailey     Yasmin Hull 23     Graham Elstone 24     Adele Winfield

Miss Crook - Lupin Class Teacher
Mr Morris - Foxglove Class Teacher (Mon, Tues, Weds, Fri)

Miss Griffiths - Foxglove Class Teacher (Thurs)
Mrs Bailey - Teaching Assistant

Miss Hull - Teaching Assistant

Mr Elstone - Teaching Assistant
Ms Winfield- PPA Teacher (Tuesday afternoons)

Summer Term 2 2024

We are now in the last half term of Year 6 and we hope to make it a fulfilling and enjoyable one for everyone.  SATS are over but there is plenty happening, including the Nottingham Caves/ WW2 trip on June 11th.  We have a number of other activities planned which will be announced very soon, including the Graduation Showcase and a Y6 End of Year Celebration - watch out for letters about these.  Transition to secondary school is also under way with visits and meetings happening for different schools at different times during June and July.

Summer 2

In this half term, we will be wrapping up our local history topic:

'What was life like in Beeston and Nottingham during World War Two?       

Our main topic brings us to the Twentieth Century, where we'll be looking at the effects of WW2 on Beeston and Nottingham in our local history study.  While we have a variety of linked books from the education library in our classes, our main class novel is Blitz: My Story by Vince Cross.

"BLITZ is a thrilling wartime tale about two siblings evacuated to Wales. It's 1940, and with London under fire Edie and her little brother are evacuated to Wales. Miles from home and missing her family, Edie is determined to be strong, but when life in the countryside proves tougher than in the capital she is torn between obeying her parents and protecting her brother..."



Following this, we will be moving onto our focus geography topic:

'How can we map our local area?

Over the half term, we will also be learning: 

  • MATHS - measures, area and scaling (caves project); problem solving and investigations
  • ENGLISH - revision of all key writing skills; play scripts
  • HISTORY- local history: Beeston and Nottingham during WW2
  • GEOGRAPHY- mapping our local area; using OS maps and 6-figure grid references
  • SCIENCE - living things and habitats
  • COMPUTING - organising information
  • RE - How do people express their faith through art?
  • PSHE - getting ready for transition to Y7
  • PE - athletics, sports day 

 PE & Outdoor Learning

Outdoor Learning will continue this half term, although please make sure that your child has the correct kit in order to be able to take part. Outdoor Learning expectations are as follows:

ODL expectations

 Please bring your kit to school on the appropriate days (PE kit can be left in school in a labelled bag).  PE should include: trainers, plain white t shirt, black shorts or leggings.  Please remember to remove earrings and tie long hair back for PE.   

PE/ Outdoor Learning  timetable - Summer Term 2 2024 (note no Outdoor Learning for either class on Tues 11th June due to trip).  The final weeks of term (15th July and 22nd July) will be determined nearer the time as we will have some timetable changes.


Week 1

w/c 3.6.24  

Week 2

w/c 10.6.24      

Week 3

w/c 17.6.24  


w/c 24.6.24   

Week 5 

w/c 1.7.24    

Week 6  

w/c 8.7.24


PE Mon/ODL Tues

PE Mon only

PE Mon & Tues

PE Mon/ODL Tues PE Mon & Tues PE Mon/ODL Tues    
Lupin PE Mon & Tues

PE Mon only

PE Mon/ODL Tues PE Mon & Tues T PE Mon/ODL Tues PE Mon & Tues    


Homework and supporting at home in Year 6

Each week, we ask that all children read with somebody at home at least three times and have this recorded in their diary and signed by an adult – this is checked in school every Friday and rewarded with a 'level up' (a Bronze, Silver or Gold card if completed correctly). Every little bit of reading really does help children on the learning journey. 

Writing: here is a copy of the Writing Key Knowledge Organiser/ Targets that we are using in class in Year 6. This may be useful if your child is completing any writing at home and shows the range of punctuation that they are expected to know and use in Year 6. Y6 Targets Writing Core Knowledge Organiser 2023.pdf (

Spelling: in  Year 6, children are expected to be able to spell, understand and use all of these key words.  There are two sets, Year 3-4 and Year 5-6.  We practise these in school but it will always help to practise these at home as well.  

Year 3 4 Spellings.pdf (

Year 5 6 Spellings.pdf (

























Meet the teacher

Please find the slides from our 'Meet the Teacher' meeting here: Meet the Teacher slides

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John Clifford Primary School is a member of
The White Hills Park Trust.
