Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

Welcome to Year 1- Autumn 1

A very warm welcome to the start of Autumn 1! It's the beginning of the new academic year and we have many opportunities planned for the next seven weeks as we launch into our first topic-

'Who Can I Be?' 

Throughout this topic the children will be thinking about themselves, discussing what makes them special and who it is that inspires them.
In English lessons we will be focusing on the text 'Juniper Jupiter' by Jodie Patterson. The children will be creating story maps, orally performing the story, writing their own versions of the story using sentences, creating captions and labels along with their own narrartive version.

We will be sending home copies of story maps and instructions that we have created, as a whole class, to support with learning. This will help the children to make simple changes to the story and make it their own. The children will also be using the main text along with the other texts, linked to the topic, to promote discussion and to inspire writing in other areas of the curriculum. 


Juniper Jupiter is a superhero and, like every superhero, she needs a sidekick. She interviews potential candidates - so many people turn up for the interviews - but no one is exactly right. Eventually she finds her perfect sidekick much closer to home than she expected.

Over the half term, we will also be learning:

  • Maths–  Number: Place value (within 10, Addition and Subtraction (within 10)
  • Science - Animals, including humans - Human Body and Senses
  • Science - Seasonal Changes
  • Computing – Computing skills
  • RE –  Our Wonderful World
  • Art- Drawing and Sketchbooks - Spirals and Media
  • PSHE – Health and Wellbeing
  • Geography- Our Local Area
  • PE - Sport games and Dance
  • Music- Listening and Composing

 Knowledge Organisers:

Key Dates for Autumn 1

PE and Outdoor Learning

Please bring the correct PE kit and Outdoor Learning kit to school on the following days:


PE kits consist of PLAIN black shorts or jogging bottoms, PLAIN white t-shirt, and trainers. Children should wear their school jumper too. The children will take part in Outdoor Learning every other week and they will need wellies, warm clothing and a waterproof coat. Outdoor Learning kit will need to be brought into school in a named bag. 


Please bring PE kits into school at the beginning of the half term and leave them in school until the end of the half term. This ensures that PE kit is in school when needed.



Please ensure that everything that your child brings to school (including OL kit, PE kit, hats, scarves, gloves and water bottles) has their name on it. This will help us return any lost property.


Homework in Year 1 - Take Care of My Work.

Reading - Each week, we ask that all children read with somebody at home at least three times a week. This could be any adult or an older sibling or friend. Please ensure that reading at home is recorded in the communication diary and signed by an adult. Every little bit of reading really does help children on the learning journey. Children who read at least three times a week will be 'levelled up' on our whole school Good to Be Green system on a Friday.

Spelling - We send home spellings every Friday, which are linked to the 'graphemes' and 'harder to read and spell words', that we have taught that week. We ask that you could spend some time reading and spelling these words at home. We test on the following Friday. Feel free to send in any work you do at home to support with this as we love to celebrate this in the classroom.

Maths - Your child's login details for Numbots and TTRockstars is in their communication diary. Spending 5 mins each day on these applications each week will support your child to develop their number fluency. 

Times Tables Rockstars and Numbots challenge | St Matthew's Church of  England Primary Academy and Nursery            

TTRockstars Login -

Numbots Login - 

Our Classrooms

Take a look inside Snapdragon classroom...


Take a look inside Honeysuckle classroom...

honeysuckle classroom



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John Clifford Primary School is a member of
The White Hills Park Trust.
