Year 1

 Welcome to Year 1

Steph Keeling 23     Ruth Stanley 23  

                                                         Mrs Keeling                                      Mrs Stanley

                                                                                                                                Snapdragon Class Teacher              Honeysuckle Class teacher 

          Teaching Assistants   

Jen King 23     Sherrie Hydes     Sammi Jo Langham     Mel Davis     Sam Westerman     Kirsty McDonnell 23

               Miss King                               Miss Hydes                                      Miss Langham                              Mrs Davis                                   Mrs Westerman                        Miss McDonnall                                                                                                

Welcome back to Year 1- Summer 2


Welcome back to the second half of the last term! Where has the time gone? We have to enjoy all the learning opportunities planned for the next eight weeks, as we launch into our final topic:-'Which Animal Group Do I Belong To?"

Throughout this topic the children will be finding out, reasearching and writing about animals and the groups they belong to. This will involve becoming scientists yet again! In English lessons, we will be focusing on the text- "Things That Are Most In The world' by Judi Barrett. The children will be creating story maps, orally performing the story, writing character and setting descriptions, introduce a story mountain, use the suffix -ing and ed in there writing to describe the setting and of course be creating their own stories. 

We will be sending home copies of story maps and instructions that we have created, as a whole class, to support with learning. The children will be using the main text along with the other texts, linked to the topic, to promote discussion and to inspire writing in other areas of the curriculum. 


'An ice-skating snake and a dragon eating pepperoni pizza are just two of the amazing "mosts" to ponder in this book that will stretch the imagination and send readers young and old into fits of laughter.'

 Over the half term, we will also be learning:

    • Maths–  Number: Multiplication and Division (including multiples of 2, 5 and 10) and Fractions
    • Science- Animals, including humans and Seasonal Changes
    • Computing –  Scratch Jnr: inputtng instructions.
    • RE –  What Do Hindus Celebrate?
    • PSHE – Living In The Wider World- Aiming High
    • History- Flight- Who was Amelia Earhart?
    • PE - Rounders and Athletics.
    • Music- Active listening (musical signals, internalising beat, draw to music, movement /actions), electronic music.

 Knowledge Organisers:









Key Dates for Summer 1




PE and Outdoor Learning

PE takes place every Friday this summer 2 and alternate Thursdays (along with Outdoor Learning). 

 PLEASE SEND YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL WITH THEIR PE KIT FROM MON 3rd June. PE kits will remain in school until Friday 26th July. To promote independence in dressing and for hygiene reasons please DO NOT send your child to school in their PE kit. Outdoor PE kit are also needed as our PE lessons will take place outside weather permitting. 

PE kit consists of a plain white t-shirt, black shorts, black jogging bottoms/leggings, trainers/black plimsols, jogging jacket.

 The children will take part in Outdoor Learning every other week and they will need wellies, warm clothing and a waterproof coat. Outdoor Learning kit will need to be brought into school (see timetable below) in a named bag.

  Please see PE/OL timetable for this half term below:    






                          Homework in Year 1 - Take Care of My Work.

Reading - Each week, we ask that all children read with somebody at home at least three times a week. This could be any adult or an older sibling or friend. Please ensure that reading at home is recorded in the communication diary and signed by an adult. Every little bit of reading really does help children on the learning journey. Children who read at least three times a week will be 'levelled up' on our whole school Good to Be Green system on a Friday.

Spelling - We send home spellings every Friday, which are linked to the 'graphemes' and 'harder to read and spell words', that we have taught that week. We ask that you could spend some time reading and spelling these words at home. We test on the following Friday. Feel free to send in any work you do at home to support with this as we love to celebrate this in the classroom!

 Maths - Your child's login details for Numbots and TTRockstars is in their communication diary. Spending 5 mins each day on these applications each week will support your child to develop their number fluency. 

 Times Tables Rockstars and Numbots challenge | St Matthew's Church of  England Primary Academy and Nursery            

TTRockstars Login -

Numbots Login - 

Our Classrooms

Take a look inside Snapdragon classroom...


Take a look inside Honeysuckle classroom...

honeysuckle classroom



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The White Hills Park Trust.
