The Wildflower Garden

Weekending 4th November 2022

Bonfire Night, Sparklers and Whatever Next!

This week we have focussed on Bonfire Night, and who Guy Fawkes was. The children loved watching videos of firework displays and noticed the circular shapes in the fireworks and also heard some of the noises they made, such as, bang, pop, sizzle etc.

They got very creative and made firework paintings, using cardboard tubes, twisting the tubes to make a swirling circular shape. Using the sensory blocks, the children created models of rockets by either building them upwards or lying them flat on the ground and joining them together to make a rocket shape. We also made edible sparklers using breadsticks, melted chocolate and sprinklers.

‘Whatever Next!’ is our Talk for Writing  focus story for the next two weeks.  You can find this story on youtube – encourage your child to tell you story with the sound off, using the pictures as a guide. See if they can tell you what is happening in each picture.  It was great to see the children dress up as little bear, putting on the colander as his helmet and using the blocks to make the box rocket. I loved how they added the small logs and pretended that they were buttons for the rockets.  We have also enjoyed singing ‘5 Little men in a flying saucer’ and doing a scarf dance where we followed instructions and also moved and swirled our scarves faster or slower to match the music. The children were also fantastic at following instructions as we have now started our Brushing Buddies toothbrushing programme.







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John Clifford Primary School is a member of
The White Hills Park Trust.
