
Science 10.1.23

We had an awesome lesson today, investigating properties of materials.

We devised tests to enable us to check the properties of different materials so we could complete tthis table:


We made predictions and completed fair tests to enbable us to find the information we needed.






WC 2.1.23 DT

This term, our DT project is to design and build and Anglo-Saxon village. We spent an afternoon last week researching what the houses of Anglo-Saxon times looked like, what materials they were made from and investigating design features.


We will begin constyruction next week!




Observatory Trip 25.11.22

On Friday, we went to the Nottingham Trent University Astronomical Observatory.


It was a truly inspiring trip, we learned so much! We went inside a planetarium and looked at Jupiter, Mars and the moon close up. What was especially interesting was that these planets and our moon are currently visible in the night sky right now, with a pair of binoculars we can look at them for ourselves! We also learned about the constellations and the myths that inspired the constellations.We had an interesting presentaion all about the moon and another about Astronaurts and the history of space travel. We were especially interested in the toileting logistics in spacesuits!

We got to go inside the observatory and look at all the high tech equipment, we all got to control the telescope whilst learning about what it is used for at the university. Afterwards, we were invited to look at the sun through a special, safe telescope and saw sun flares! 

A great day was had by all!



WC 7.11.22 Art

This week in Art lessons, we have been learning about Spanish surrealist artist Joan Miro. We have discussed some of his prominent pieces and discussed what we see in the paintings and how they make us feel.


We then looked specifically at his 'Constellation Series' and looked for shapes and symbols we recognised in the paintings.


In our sketchbooks, we created our own constallation pictures using zodiac constallations as well as signs and symbols for constallations, planets, shapes and numbers, putting own spin on Miro's work.



WC 7.11.22 Spanish

This week in Spanish we have been recapping the names of classroom items and learning prepositions.


We've been using our Spanish to write sentences describing the position of objects in relation to each other. 


Our special guest Spanish teacher Senor Larez was very impressed with our work!



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