This half term Snapdragon and Honeysuckle class have immersed themselves in finding out about the Great Fire of 1666. Stories and facts have been read and written about. Newspaper reports have been draughted and written. Tudor houses have been designed and this week saw the re-enactment of The Great Fire itself as the houses designed were raised to the ground along with St Paul's Cathedral!
They banged their drums, gathered their belongings and ran! Grab all you can!
All they can do is stand and watch as their homes are destroyed.....300 of them in total!
It swept through the streets quickly St Paul's is ablaze!
Sir Christopher Wren can only look on. There's nothing these poor homeowners can do! The strong wind fanned the flames
These eye witnesses said "The fire was out of control. We were terrified!"
All this poor woman can do is sit and watch as her house is destroyed.
Lessons have been learned from the Great Fire of 1666. Houses are now built further apart, they are made of brick instead of wood and more firefighters were employed.