In preparation for our sponsored ‘Jump Rope for Heart’ Event on the 18thJune we had 2 days of skipping workshops with Dan the skipping man! The whole school from our youngest to our oldest children took part in workshops to teach them either how to skip or how to improve their skills. At the end of each day there was a skipping assembly, where children were selected to showcase their skills and what an array of skills we saw. Single bounce, double bounce, hopping, high knees, running skip, frog skipping, crossed feet, crossed hands, double skips, rocker, hop scotch, partner side by side, partner face to face, long rope, double Dutch and French skipping. Who knew there were so many different ways to skip!!
We have purchased two whole class sets of skipping ropes (KS1 and KS2) and 12 French skipping bands using the PE and Sports premium money. Everyone had lots of fun, some of the staff tried out their skills after school and Dan the skipping man was very impressed with the behaviour and enthusiasm of our children.
Now everyone needs to go away and practise (and get sponsors) for our skipping sponsored event on Tuesday 18thJune during Sports week to help raise money for the British Heart Foundation and the school playground equipment fund.