
Week beginning 28th March 2022

This week in maths, children have been measuring and calculating the perimeter of different shapes. Children have been using their knowledge of measurement to convert, add and subtract to find the perimeter of a 2D shape and work out missing lengths.

In English, children have continued with their text, The Iron Man. Children have been planning their own newspaper report and creating their own monster. Children have also written their newspaper report focusing on creating a headline and considering who will be interviewed by a reporter for their story.

Throughout this whole, children in year 3 have had the opportunity to take part in cricket with Joe on Monday afternoons. It has been amazing to see the children’s skills develop especially in their techniques in bowling, fielding and batting. It has been great to see children show such enthusiasm for sport and also follow the John Clifford Promise ‘Be Positive and Proud’ by presenting good teamwork and celebrating their success.

Here is our class racing the cars that we built in DT. 


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John Clifford Primary School is a member of
The White Hills Park Trust.
