The Wildflower Garden

Weekending 4th November 2022

Sparklers, Bonfire Night and Guy Fawkes

Daisy Class have been busy learning about Guy Fawkes and the Gun Powder Plot and why we celebrate on the 5th of November every year.  The children drew their own firework designs on black paper with chalk, as well as creating fireworks using swirling and zig zag patterns in coloured sand.

We also enjoyed making edible sparklers using breadsticks and melted chocolate with sprinkles.  We talked about staying safe on Bonfire Night and how you should wear a glove when using sparklers and that you should put them in sand to make sure they are out.

As always, we love being outdoors and were very busy working as a team picking up all of the leaves which had fallen during half term.  We have been learning about Guy Fawkes and we are learning to tell the story of the Gun Powder Plot for our Talk For Writing focus.

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John Clifford Primary School is a member of
The White Hills Park Trust.
