School Curriculum

Providing opportunities for all learners that go

Beyond expectation in

Education and 





logo_bee.pnglogo_bee.pngOur Creative Curriculum

at John Clifford School



We are really proud of the curriculum that we have developed for our children in recent years. We pride ourselves on the fact that we review and adapt our curriculum each year to ensure that it reflects the needs of the children, best practice, capitalises upon the events that are taking place throughout the year around the world and ensures inclusion and success for all.

We have been working on developing a 'core offer' within our curriculum and wider curriculum which commits to development of the whole child, with particular milestones identified as the children move through school. Our curriculum also endeavors to address some of the issues faced by many of our children.

We have incorporated the science of learning into all areas of our curriculum by breaking knowledge down into smaller steps, retrieving learning through low stakes quizzing, use of knowledge organisers, deliberate practice of skills and the  revisiting of key concepts and important knowledge. Additionally, children are encouraged to take responsibility of their own learning in all subjects.

External Review of Personal Development, Behaviour and Attitudes

Tuesday, 16th April 2024

On Tuesday, 16th April 2024, Dr Paul Heery, CEO of White Hills Park Trust came to conduct an external review of Personal Development, Behaviour and Attitudes. This was an excellent exercise for reflection and challenge and one that helped to highlight the strengths of practice and provision. The review took place across the day and Paul spoke to the Headteacher, the Curriculum Curator, the Behaviour Lead, the Lead for Personal Development, our Outdoor Learning Leader and other curriculum leaders. He also spoke with many children across all year groups who were keen to chat and show him their work. This is what he had to say:

Behaviour and Attitudes 

  • The school behaviour policy is built upon the ‘John Clifford Promises’. The school has high expectations for pupils’ behaviour. This is reflected in the standards of behaviour seen in class, and the views of staff and pupils. Learning is rarely disrupted by pupils’ poor behaviour. Staff are positive and consistent in their management of pupil behaviour.
  • Leaders provide clear direction and good support for staff in managing behaviour. Key messages are regularly reinforced, including through assemblies and briefings. Pupils understand the behaviour system and routines. They are motivated by the ‘good to be Green / Gold’ system, and show pride in their good behaviour.
  • During breaktimes and unstructured times, there is appropriate supervision and pupils are provided with lots to do. The school has recently made changes to playground routines to address some concerns, and these have had a successful impact.
  • Pupils move round the school calmly. In Assembly, pupils are attentive and engaged. They show respect for the views of others. 
  • Pupils say that bullying is rare and not tolerated. All instances of bullying are recorded on CPOMS, and analysed by leaders.
  • A small number of pupils have additional needs which have an impact on their behaviour. These pupils are managed well, so that disruption to learning is minimised, and tailored support is provided.
  • Pupils’ attitudes to their learning are positive. They enjoy lessons, and contribute well. They say that they enjoy school.
  • Pupils’ attendance in the current year is close to the national average for primary schools. The school has rigorous processes for promoting good attendance and following up absences. Staff work proactively with families to address issues that have an impact on attendance.
  • Relationships between pupils and staff are warm and positive. Staff care for pupils is evident, and this is appreciated by pupils.

Personal Development 

  • The school has adopted a PSHE curriculum that covers the key areas that pupils need to know to become healthy adults. It supports pupils to be confident, resilient and independent. The model of delivery and recording gives the opportunity for pupils to learn from case studies, reflect and respond in a variety of ways. Weekly lessons are supported with assemblies and special events so that the curriculum can respond to pupil needs and events outside school. Teachers are provided with lesson resources and planning through the scheme. Work is recorded in Floor Books in each class, to remove the focus from recording. 
  • The curriculum is well-sequenced, so that content is well-matched to the age of the pupils, e.g. work on relationships moves from a focus on siblings and friends at KS1, to understanding boundaries and barriers at KS2. 
  • Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe online, through PSHE lessons, and also in assemblies. Information and support is provided for parents. 
  • The school’s Forest School provides opportunities for pupils to develop a range of skills in a stimulating environment. They work together on a range of activities, well-supported by the teacher, and grow in their understanding of the natural world. The provision allows pupils to be creative, to solve problems and to work with their peers.
  • The school provides pastoral support for vulnerable pupils through the Honeypot, which provides a calm and secure start to the day.
  • Pupils are given opportunities to take on leadership roles in the school, for example, looking after the animals, or making sure equipment is ready and available. Members of the Junior Leadership Team show evident pride in their role.
  • There is a wide variety of extra-curricular and enrichment activity, including sports and arts, although a significant proportion of pupils do not attend. The school tracks participation to ensure that all pupils have access. Some pupils have been difficult to engage, often as a result of family issues. Recent changes have been made to support staff hours so that more activities can be supported.
  • Diversity is celebrated through the wider curriculum, as well as through displays, assemblies and special events. The curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to learn about protected characteristics and the importance of being an ally e.g. Black History Month. Pupils are given opportunities to engage with views that are different from their own.
  • Pupils are encouraged to connect with the local community, and are given opportunities to do so, for example the Broadgate Park Art Project. 
  • Within PSHE lessons, pupils learn about careers. Representatives from a range of occupations talk to Y6 pupils in Aspirations Week.

Please look through our exciting and creative school curriculum using the links below:

book board pencil calculator testtube globe timer  ipad paint cog spain music sport tree wheel uk hands rainbow  

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Find us: Nether Street, Beeston, NG9 2AT

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John Clifford Primary School is a member of
The White Hills Park Trust.
