- Swimming lessons for YR3 pupils
- Whole school fitness assessment to identify and support classes and groups of children who need help to develop their fitness through accessing additional resources and to identify high achieving pupils.
- Gymnastics CPD (training) for YR1 teachers
- KS1 Cheerleading club
- Netball court, 5-a-side court remarked
- Daily mile route marked out on the playground
- Invasion games training for 2 members of staff (CPD)
- PE conference 2 members of staff (CPD)
- Games of Remembrance football match at Meadow Lane (YR5)
- Lemurs class sports taster session at Chilwell (Broxtowe Active schools sports partnership)
- Tennis taster sessions for 6 classes
- Taster sessions at David Ross Sports centre for high achieving pupils
- Play-leader training session (16 pupils)
- Broxtowe Active Schools fitness sessions (x6) YR3
- 'Only Girls Allowed' lunchtime fun and fitness club (40 pupils)
- 'Everybody Health'- health and fitness sessions YR4 (10 weeks)
- Swimming gala trials
- Gymnastics CPD YR4 teachers (6 weeks)
- Sports academy Wednesday pm (YR4) 1 term
- Sports Festival Kimberley sports centre (10 pupils)
- YR3 swimming lessons (school funded)
February 2019
- Bike-ability (YR6)
- Swimming gala (16 pupils YR4-6)
- KS1 Cheerleading club (22 children)
- YR3/4 basketball club (20 children)
- Indoor rowing competition (24 pupils) 2nd Place
- Chance to Shine Cricket sessions (YR2) 6 weeks
- Netball tournament Trent College Champions
- YR3 swimming lessons (school funded)
- YR3 health and fitness sessions provided by Broxtowe Active Schools
- 'Everybody Health'- health and fitness sessions YR4 (10 weeks)
March 2019
- YR3 health and fitness sessions provided by Broxtowe Active Schools
- Chance to Shine Cricket sessions (YR2) 6 weeks
- Cricket Assembly YR1-2
- 'Everybody Health'- health and fitness sessions YR4 (10 weeks)
- Orienteering Bramcote College (30 pupils YR4)
- Sports-Hall atheletics YR4 (18 children) Second place
- Netball Festival Bramcote College (6 children) Won all games
- Handball competiton Bispham School (9 children) (YR3/4 CHAMPIONS)
- Netball Festival George Spencer school (6 children) CHAMPIONS TO REPRESENT BROXTOWE
- Met with representatives of the British Table Tennis Association to establish a table tennis academy and community hub. 2 table tennis tables, 20 bats and balls purchased.
- Met with British Croquet Association to establish school links with the World Class greens at Highfields.
- Presented Sports Premium update to the Full Governing body
- Established links with Nottingham University to assess the impact of the Daily Mile on children's fitness and learning.
- Investigated the transfer of school swimming to Olympic sized swimming pool at Harvey Haddon Sports Village.
APRIL 2019
- 'Only Girls Allowed' lunchtime club continues (20 pupil)
- Table tennis assembly for KS2 and then a TT sift looking for potential champions (YR4/5)
- Athletics CPD YR3 staff and pupils (60 pupils)
- TT STAFF MEETING providing CPD for all staff
- YR5 Sports Academy begins Tri-golf (new equipment purchased for this activity) rounders, athletics, table tennis
- Table tennis after school academy for invited players (20 children)
- Cheerleading and dance club prepare for the Dance Festival (21st May)
- Basketball club continues (YR3/4) 20 pupils
- Cricket club (after school) YR5/6 begins
- Basketball hoops arrive for the playground
MAY 2019
- YR6 booster swimming sessions
- Table tennis after school academy for invited players (20 children)
- Athletics CPD YR3 staff and pupils (60 pupils)
- YR5 Sports Academy continues Tri-golf (new equipment purchased for this activity) rounders, athletics, table tennis
- Cricket club (after school) YR5/6 continues
- Cheerleading and dance club prepare for the Dance Festival (21st May)
- Basketball club continues (YR3/4) 20 pupils
- 'Only Girls Allowed' lunchtime club continues (20 pupils)
- YR1 Cricket Roadshow (A Chance to Shine)
- Netball Tournament (County Final) SILVER MEDALIST (best state school in Nottinghamshire) Representing Nottinghamshire at the divisional championships
- 2 days of skipping workshops (external provider) to support the Jump Rope for Heart sponsored event in June
- Mini-tennis tournament (YR4) Attenborough Tennis club
- Family of Schools Dance Festival (KS1 and KS2 dance team)
- South Broxtowe Netball and football tournament Netballers were crowned CHAMPIONS
- Footballers were RUNNERS UP and CHAMPION SMALL SCHOOL for games during the season
JUNE 2019
- YR5 cricket CPD continues on Monday PM
- Cricket after school club continues
- JC awarded 'GOLD School Games Mark' accreditation
- YR5 compete in rounders competition at George Spencer academy
- Maypole dancing at the Middle Street Centre at the dementia cafe
- Table tennis sessions and after school club continue
- YR5 visit the Nottingham Open tennis tournament and win the inter-school competition
- Croquet after school club begins at High-field Croquet Club
- YR5 children invited to participate in the Trent University study on the impact the daily mile has on learning
- Sports Week, Little Wickets cricket, Jump Rope for Heart sponsored skip, Quad-kids athletics competition (YR5) FS and KS1 sports days, 1/2 KS2 sports day (to be continued) local sports club Market place (Beeston Hockey club, Bramcote Netball Club, Croquet Club, Attenborough Tennis Club, Bramcote Swimming Club, Parkrun and the Pearson Centre) inter-hive football and rounders competitions, gymnastics staff meeting, tri-golf competition at Chilwell Golf Club
- High 5 netball tournament District final (East Midlands) 6th place finish
JULY 2019
- Netball presentation evening for netball players and parents
- Nottingham Trent University in school working with 11 YR5 pupils to find out the impact of the daily mile on cognitive skills
- End of year fitness assessments for the whole school (baseline was in October 2018)
- Whole school Fun Run (photos on Community page)
- YR3/4 netball trials (40 children turned up for the try outs)
- Handball taster sessions (YR1,2 and 5)
- Cricket Festival at Trent College (10 pupils)
- Croquet club invited to watch Under 21 World Championship at Highfield's Park and compete in the inaugural Junior Croquet competition and children interviewed by BBC Radio 4 who were making a program about Croquet
- Lunchtime basketball club (YR5/6)
- Girl's Football sessions YR3/4 and YR5/6
- YR5 swimming taster sessions at Harvey Haddon Sports Village (Olympic sized pool)
- Runners up in the inaugural Junior County Croquet Competition played during the Under 21 World Cup Championships ay Highfield's Lawns