
WC 11/10/21

We would like to thank every child in Year 5 for giving it their all in this first half term back. You have all made it such a wonderful success!

This week, one of our main focusses is Black History Month. In English, we are writing our own historical reports and diary entries about the Windrush, following an inspirational and emotional assembly last week about the importance of Black History. We are enjoying finishing this term off with some amazing Take Care Writing.

In Maths, we are testing our knowledge on place value, addition, subtraction and multiplication ready for next term. We have also picked back up with our Times Tables Rockstars!

We have our Harvest Service taking place on Wednesday. A huge thank you to children and parents who have brought in food donations of any size ready for Harvest!

On Friday, we have World Culture Day, where children are encouraged to come to school dressed in something that represents their culture. We have lots of exciting activities planned for Friday, so please stay tuned!

PE continues to be on a Monday and swimming each Wednesday. Please ensure that your children come wearing the correct kit on these days.

Spellings are also on Seesaw for you to access each week. Seesaw log in details can be found in the back of your child’s Communication Diary.

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Tel: 0115 925 8057 | Email: office@johnclifford.school
Find us: Nether Street, Beeston, NG9 2AT

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John Clifford Primary School is a member of
The White Hills Park Trust.
