
Week Beginning 7th March

Week Beginning 7th March:

Another wonderful week in Clover class. Here's what the children have been up to, in their own words:


In Clover class this week we got to have two PE lessons! For me, on Monday I had netball but you could`ve had tag rugby, hockey, netball or badminton. On Wednesday, we all did basketball. In art, we did before and after sketches of a volcano, before it erupted and aster it erupted. The week after next we will use watercolours to paint them. We learnt the notes of a ukulele. In science, we melted chocolate to see if hot, room temperature or cold water would melt it faster.

 - E.B.


This week in Clover class we have been learning about volcanoes and in English we have been writing a setting description of a volcano. This Wednesday, we did art and PE.  In PE, we have been doing basketball and In art we have been sketching volcanoes.

 - J.D. & S.B.


This week we learned about volcanoes in English and topic. We also learnt about fractions in Maths.

Every Friday we go to the ICT suite and do TT Rock Stars! On Mondays we do different things in sport &

I did netball it was great! On Wednesday, we also did basketball it was very, very fun!

 - L.A. & A.G.

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