
Week Commencing 7th March

Week Beginning: 07.03.22

In Maths, we have been learning about shape. We began the week drawing and identifying 2D shapes that had a vertical line of symmetry. We have also been looking at different 3D shapes, identifying the 2D faces on these shapes and counting the number of edges, vertices and faces. What 2D and 3D shapes can you spot at home? On Monday, our assembly focused on International Maths Day and we thought carefully about the importance of Maths in our everyday lives and in different jobs that we may do in the future.

Shape KO 1

In English, we have been on our final week of our three-week cycle and we have been independently planning, writing and publishing a character description of the ‘Greedy Zebra’ using what we have found out in the previous two weeks. We have thought about what the character looks like, how they feel throughout the story, what they like and dislike, what the other characters think of them and what we think of them. We have been using expanded noun phrases and similes to make our writing descriptive and interesting. Alongside this, we have been using conjunctions to extend writing and join sentences together. We have continued learning about ‘The Greedy Zebra’ story in our whole-class reading sessions and we have been answering questions about the text by looking carefully at what the question is asking and using the text to help us with our answers.

In science, we have been grouping animals and learning about the different types of animals. We have been looking the meaning of vertebrates and invertebrates alongside the six classifications of animals. We have used Venn diagrams to consider different characteristics and look closely at how animals are similar and different. Our learning about animals and their habitats has continued in geography as we have been looking at African elephants. We have found out lots of different facts and we have been reading a non-fiction text about elephants which will help us in our English next week as we will begin our three-week block on writing non-chronological reports about animals.



3D shape song

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