The Wildflower Garden

Weekending 20th May 2022


 Tea & Magic Potions   

Green Fingers    Brushing Buddies

Over the past week, we continued with our focus story, ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. This week, the children told the story looking at the story map.  They then had a go at drawing their own story map.  We were really impressed with their drawings and loved how they talked as they drew the pictures, telling us the story.


We also read the story, ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’ and later, outside in the playground, the children raked, hoed and dug up the soil. They also had a closer look at the different leaves on the bushes in the playground.  We’ve used these leaves in a lot of our activities this week. We’ve used them to cut and make ‘tea’ and 'magic potions' with them. They also punched holes in them to thread or make leaf necklaces. We also looked at beans and a video of the lifecycle of a bean.

tea_and_magic_potions.png.leaves_1.png leaves_2.png

The children really enjoyed exploring different materials such as wood, plastic and metal.  They were amazed, as we scattered lots of paper clips on the tuff spot and hovered over them with the magnet. There were lots of ‘Wows!’, as the paper clips jumped up to the big magnet.  This was a very popular activity this week and we loved how creative the children were with the different magnets and and how they found various objects in the class to see if they could be lifted up with the magnets. 

What fabulous weather we’ve had this week.  We’ve seen lots of of collabroation and working together, making long obstacle courses, as well as the children enjoying sharing books in our shaded areas.


We are now well into our Brushing Buddies routine. Most of the children know what number their toothbrush is and that we need to brush our teeth for two minutes.




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John Clifford Primary School is a member of
The White Hills Park Trust.
